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Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Данте Габриэль Россетти)

The House of Life. Sonnet 96. Life the Beloved

As thy friend's face, with shadow of soul o'erspread,
Somewhile unto thy sight perchance hath been
Ghastly and strange, yet never so is seen
In thought, but to all fortunate favor wed;
As thy love's death-bound features never dead
To memory's glass return, but contravene
Frail fugitive days, and alway keep, I ween,
Than all new life a livelier lovelihead:--

So Life herself, thy spirit's friend and love,
Even still as Spring's authentic harbinger
Glows with fresh hours for hope to glorify;
Though pale she lay when in the winter grove
Her funeral flowers were snow-flakes shed on her
And the red wings of frost-fire rent the sky.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti's other poems:
  1. The House of Life. Sonnet 13. Youth's Antiphony
  2. The House of Life. Sonnet 90. «Retro Me, Sathana!»
  3. The House of Life. Sonnet 26. Mid-Rapture
  4. The House of Life. Sonnet 63. Inclusiveness
  5. On Certain Elizabethan Revivals

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