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Sidney Lanier (Сидни Ланьер)

Hymns of the Marshes. 3. Marsh Song - At Sunset

OVER the monstrous shambling sea,
      Over the Caliban sea,
Bright Ariel-cloud, thou lingerest:
Oh wait, oh wait, in the warm red West,--
      Thy Prospero I'll be.

Over the humped and fishy sea,
      Over the Caliban sea
O cloud in the West, like a thought in the heart
Of pardon, loose thy wing, and start,
      And do a grace for me.

Over the huge and huddling sea,
      Over the Caliban sea,
Bring hither my brother Antonio,--Man,--
My injurer: night breaks the ban;
      Brother, I pardon thee.

Sidney Lanier's other poems:
  1. On Huntingdon’s "Miranda"
  2. Laus Mariae
  3. My Springs
  4. Resurrection
  5. A Birthday Song

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