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Poem by Michael Drayton

Sonnet 39. Some, when in Rhyme They of their Loves do Tell

Some, when in rhyme they of their loves do tell,
With flames and lightnings their exordiums paint;
Some call on Heav'n, some invocate on Hell,
And Fates and Furies with their woes acquaint.
Elysium is too high a seat for me;
I will not come in Styx or Phlegethon;
The thrice-three Muses but too wanton be;
Like they that lust, I care not; I will none.
Spiteful Erinnys frights me with her looks;
My manhood dares not with foul Ate mell;
I quake to look on Hecate's charming books;
I still fear bugbears in Apollo's cell.
    I pass not for Minerva nor Astraea; 
    Only I call on my divine Idea.

Michael Drayton

Michael Drayton's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 23. Love, Banish'd Heav'n
  2. Sonnet 36. Thou Purblind Boy
  3. Sonnet 42. Some Men there Be which like My Method Well
  4. Sonnet 48. Cupid, I Hate thee
  5. Sonnet 56. When like an Eaglet I First Found My Love

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