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Poem by John Keble

Third Sunday after Epiphany

When Jesus heard it, He marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.  St. Matthew viii. 10.

  I marked a rainbow in the north,
     What time the wild autumnal sun
  From his dark veil at noon looked forth,
     As glorying in his course half done,
  Flinging soft radiance far and wide
Over the dusky heaven and bleak hill-side.

  It was a gleam to Memory dear,
     And as I walk and muse apart,
  When all seems faithless round and drear,
     I would revive it in my heart,
  And watch how light can find its way
To regions farthest from the fount of day.

  Light flashes in the gloomiest sky,
     And Music in the dullest plain,
  For there the lark is soaring high
     Over her flat and leafless reign,
  And chanting in so blithe a tone,
It shames the weary heart to feel itself alone.

  Brighter than rainbow in the north,
     More cheery than the matin lark,
  Is the soft gleam of Christian worth,
     Which on some holy house we mark;
  Dear to the pastor's aching heart
To think, where'er he looks, such gleam may have a part;

  May dwell, unseen by all but Heaven,
     Like diamond blazing in the mine;
  For ever, where such grace is given,
     It fears in open day to shine,
  Lest the deep stain it owns within
Break out, and Faith be shamed by the believer's sin.

  In silence and afar they wait,
     To find a prayer their Lord may hear:
  Voice of the poor and desolate,
     You best may bring it to His ear;
  Your grateful intercessions rise
With more than royal pomp, and pierce the skies.

  Happy the soul whose precious cause
     You in the Sovereign Presence plead -
  "This is the lover of Thy laws,
     The friend of Thine in fear and need,"
  For to the poor Thy mercy lends
That solemn style, "Thy nation and Thy friends."

  He too is blest whose outward eye
     The graceful lines of art may trace,
  While his free spirit, soaring high,
     Discerns the glorious from the base;
  Till out of dust his magic raise
A home for prayer and love, and full harmonious praise,

  Where far away and high above,
     In maze on maze the tranced sight
  Strays, mindful of that heavenly love
     Which knows no end in depth or height,
  While the strong breath of Music seems
To waft us ever on, soaring in blissful dreams.

  What though in poor and humble guise
     Thou here didst sojourn, cottage-born?
  Yet from Thy glory in the skies
     Our earthly gold Thou dost not scorn.
  For Love delights to bring her best,
And where Love is, that offering evermore is blest.

  Love on the Saviour's dying head
     Her spikenard drops unblamed may pour,
  May mount His cross, and wrap Him dead
     In spices from the golden shore;
  Risen, may embalm His sacred name
With all a Painter's art, and all a Minstrel's flame.

  Worthless and lost our offerings seem,
     Drops in the ocean of His praise;
  But Mercy with her genial beam
     Is ripening them to pearly blaze,
  To sparkle in His crown above,
Who welcomes here a child's as there an angel's love.

John Keble

John Keble's other poems:
  1. Quinquagesima Sunday
  2. Sexagesima Sunday
  3. St. John’s Day
  4. Septuagesima Sunday
  5. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

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