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Poem by William Wordsworth

Calais, August 15, 1802

Festivals have I seen that were not names:
This is young Buonaparte's natal day,
And his is henceforth an established sway -
Consul for life. With worship France proclaims
Her approbation, and with pomps and games.
Heaven grant that other Cities may be gay!
Calais is not: and I have bent my way
To the sea-coast, noting that each man frames
His business as he likes. Far other show
My youth here witnessed, in a prouder time;
The senselessness of joy was then sublime!
Happy is he, who, caring not for Pope,
Consul, or King, can sound himself to know
The destiny of Man, and live in hope. 

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth's other poems:
  1. Oxford, May 30, 1820
  2. Hart’s-Horn Tree, near Penrith
  3. The Countess’ Pillar
  4. Rydal
  5. The Kirk of Ulpha

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