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Poem by Robert Bloomfield


Halt! ye Legions, sheathe your Steel:
Blood grows precious; shed no more:
Cease your toils; your wounds to heal
Lo! beams of Mercy reach the shore!
From Realms of everlasting light
The favour'd guest of Heaven is come:
Prostrate your Banners at the sight,
And bear the glorious tidings home.

The plunging corpse with half-clos'd eyes,
No more shall stain th' unconscious brine;
Yon pendant gay, that streaming flies,
Around its idle Staff shall twine.
Behold! along th' etherial sky
Her beams o'er conquering Navies spread;
Peace! Peace! the leaping Sailors cry,
With shouts that might arouse the dead.

Then forth Britannia's thunder pours;
A vast reiterated sound!
From Line to Line the Cannon roars,
And spreads the blazing joy around.
Return, ye brave! your Country calls;
Return; return, your task is done:
While here the tear of transport falls,
To grace your Laurels nobly won.

Albion Cliffs--from age to age,
That bear the roaring storms of Heav'n,
Did ever fiercer Warfare rage?
Was ever Peace more timely given?
Wake! sounds of Joy: rouse, generous Isle;
Let every patriot bosom glow.
Beauty, resume thy wonted smile,
And, Poverty, thy cheerful brow.

Boast, Britain, of thy glorious Guests;
Peace, Wealth, and Commerce, all thine own:
Still on contented Labour rests
The basis of a lasting Throne.
Shout, Poverty! 'tis Heaven that saves;
Protected Wealth, the chorus raise:
Ruler of War, of Winds, and Waves,
Accept a prostrate Nation's praise. 

Robert Bloomfield

Robert Bloomfield's other poems:
  1. A Visit to Renelagh
  2. Rosy Hannah
  3. Barnham Water
  4. Lines Occasioned by a Visit to Whittlebury Forest, Northamptonshire, in August, 1800
  5. Alfred and Janet

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Rupert Brooke Peace ("Now, God Be Thanked Who Has Matched Us With His Hour")
  • William Yeats Peace ("AH, that Time could touch a form")
  • George Herbert Peace ("SWEET Peace, where dost thou dwell? I humbly crave")
  • Gerard Hopkins Peace ("When will you ever, Peace, wild wooddove, shy wings shut")
  • Henry Vaughan Peace ("My Soul, there is a country")
  • Eleanor Farjeon Peace ("I am as awful as my brother War")
  • Robert Anderson Peace ("Now, God be prais'd! we've peace at last")
  • Charles Sorley Peace ("There is silence in the evening when the long days cease") December 1912
  • Gerald Massey Peace ("Yes, Peace is beautiful, and I do yearn")
  • Henry Newbolt Peace ("No more to watch by Night's eternal shore")
  • Sara Teasdale Peace ("PEACE flows into me")
  • Henry Van Dyke Peace ("Two dwellings, Peace, are thine")
  • Albery Whitman Peace ("As the raindrop on a flower")

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