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Poem by John Clare


'Now summer is in flower and natures hum
Is never silent round her sultry bloom
Insects as small as dust are never done
Wi' glittering dance and reeling in the sun
And green wood fly and blossom haunting bee
Are never weary of their melody
Round field hedge now flowers in full glory twine
Large bindweed bells wild hop and streakd woodbine
That lift athirst their slender throated flowers
Agape for dew falls and for honey showers
These round each bush in sweet disorder run
And spread their wild hues to the sultry sun.' 

John Clare

Poem Theme: June

John Clare's other poems:
  1. Address to Plenty
  2. Patty
  3. Summer Evening
  4. On an Infant’s Grave
  5. To an April Daisy

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Francis Ledwidge June ("Broom out the floor now, lay the fender by")
  • William Bryant June ("I gazed upon the glorious sky")
  • Madison Cawein June ("Hotly burns the amaryllis")
  • Archibald Lampman June ("Long, long ago, it seems, this summer morn")
  • Amy Levy June ("Last June I saw your face three times")
  • John Payne June ("THE empress of the year, the meadows' queen")
  • Edgar Guest June ("June is here, the month of roses, month of brides and month of bees")

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