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Poem by William Davenant

Song (Endimion Porter, and Olivia)


BEFORE we shall again behold
In his diurnal race the Worlds great Eye,
    We may as silent be and cold,
As are the shades where buried Lovers ly.


    Olivia 'tis no fault of Love
To loose our selves in death, but O, I fear,
    When Life and Knowledge is above
Restor'd to us, I shall not know thee there.


    Call it not Heaven (my Love) where we
Our selves shall see, and yet each other miss:
    So much of Heaven I find in thee
As, thou unknown, all else privation is.


    Why should we doubt, before we go
To find the Knowledge which shall ever last,
    That we may there each other know?
Can future Knowledge quite destroy the past?


    When at the Bowers in the Elizian shade
I first arrive, I shall examine where
    They dwel, who love the highest Vertue made?
For I am sure to find Endimion there.


    From this vext World when we shall both retire,
Where all are Lovers, and where all rejoyce;
    I need not seek thee in the Heavenly Quire;
For I shall know Olivia by her Voice.

William Davenant

William Davenant's other poems:
  1. The Christians Reply to the Phylosopher
  2. Life and Death
  3. For the Lady Olivia Porter; a Present upon a New-years Day
  4. Praise and Prayer
  5. The Coquet

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