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Poem by Lewis Carroll

Beautiful Soup

BEAUTIFUL Soup, so rich and green,
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!

Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!
Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!
Soo- oop of the e- e- evening,
Beautiful, beautiful Soup!

Beautiful Soup! Who cares for fish,
Game, or any other dish?
Who would not give all else for two
Pennyworth only of Beautiful Soup?
Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?

Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!
Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!
Soo- oop of the e- e- evening,
Beautiful, beauti- FUL SOUP! 

Lewis Carroll

Poem Theme: Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll's other poems:
  1. Hiawatha's Photographing
  2. Ye Carpette Knyghte
  3. Theme with Variations
  4. Size and Tears
  5. Fame's Penny-Trumpet

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