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Poem by Sara Teasdale


  The world is tired, the year is old,
   The fading leaves are glad to die,
  The wind goes shivering with cold
   Where the brown reeds are dry.

  Our love is dying like the grass,
   And we who kissed grow coldly kind,
  Half glad to see our old love pass
   Like leaves along the wind.

Sara Teasdale

Poem Theme: Autumn

Sara Teasdale's other poems:
  1. I Shall Not Care
  2. New Love and Old
  3. Age
  4. Song at Capri
  5. Buried Love

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • John Clare November ("The landscape sleeps in mist from morn till noon")
  • Hartley Coleridge November ("THE mellow year is hasting to its close")
  • Robert Binyon November ("Together we laughed and talked in the warm--lit room")
  • William Cartwright November ("Thou Sun that shed'st the Dayes, looke downe and see")
  • William Bryant November ("Yet one smile more, departing, distant sun!")
  • John Payne November ("THE tale of wake is told; the stage is bare")
  • Frederick Tuckerman November ("Oh! who is there of us that has not felt")
  • Duncan Scott November ("Above the lifeless pools the mist films swim")

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