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Poem by Richard Chenevix Trench

To England


Thy duteous loving children fear for thee
In one thing chiefly--for thy pure abodes
And thy undesecrated household Gods,
Thou most religious, and for this most free,
Of all the nations. Oh! look out and see
The injuries which she, who in the name
Of liberty thy fellowship would claim,
Has done to virtue and to liberty;
Whose philtres have corrupted everywhere
The living springs men drink of, all save thine.
Oh! then of her and of her love beware!
Better again eight hundred years of strife,
Than give her leave to sap and undermine
The deep foundations of thy moral life.

Richard Chenevix Trench

Richard Chenevix Trench's other poems:
  1. Sonnet to Silvio Pellico, on Reading the Account of His Imprisonment
  2. To the Same (Songs of deliverance compassed thee about)
  3. The Same
  4. To the Same (Look, dearest, what a glory from the sun)
  5. England (We look for, and have promise to behold)

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Alfred Austin To England ("Men deemed thee fallen, did they? fallen like Rome")
  • William Browne To England ("Hail, thou my native soil! thou blessed plot")

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