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Poem by Edgar Albert Guest


Days are gettin' shorter an' the air a keener snap;
Apples now are droppin' into Mother Nature's lap;
The mist at dusk is risin' over valley, marsh an' fen
An' it's just as plain as sunshine, winter's comin' on again.
The turkeys now are struttin' round the old farmhouse once more;
They are done with all their nestin', and their hatchin' days are o'er;
Now the farmer's cuttin' fodder for the silo towerin' high
An' he's frettin' an' complainin' 'cause the corn's a bit too dry.
But the air is mighty peaceful an' the scene is good to see,
An' there's somethin' in October that stirs deep inside o' me;
An' I just can't help believin' in a God above us, when
Everything is ripe for harvest an the frost is back again.

Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest's other poems:
  1. The Blue Flannel Shirt
  2. Grown Up
  3. The Old-Fashioned Pair
  4. At Pelletier's
  5. Signs

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Edward Thomas October ("The green elm with the one great bough of gold")
  • Dinah Craik October ("IT is no joy to me to sit")
  • William Bryant October ("Ay, thou art welcome, heaven’s delicious breath!")
  • Alice Cary October ("Not the light of the long blue Summer")
  • Rose Cooke October ("There comes a time of rest to thee")
  • Paul Dunbar October ("OCTOBER is the treasurer of the year")
  • Paul Hayne October ("THE passionate Summer's dead! the sky's a-glow")
  • John Payne October ("OCTOBER, May of the descending days")
  • Hilaire Belloc October ("Look, how those steep woods on the mountain’s face")
  • Ellis Butler October ("The forest holds high carnival to-day")
  • Ella Wilcox October ("Gone are the Spring and Summer from the year")
  • Elinor Wylie October ("Beauty has a tarnished dress")
  • Robert Frost October ("O hushed October morning mild")
  • Ina Coolbrith October ("THE summer-rose is dead")

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