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Poem by William Butler Yeats


THE true faith discovered was
When painted panel, statuary.
Glass-mosaic, window-glass,
Amended what was told awry
By some peasant gospeller;
Swept the Sawdust from the floor
Of that working-carpenter.
Miracle had its playtime where
In damask clothed and on a seat
Chryselephantine, cedar-boarded,
His majestic Mother sat
Stitching at a purple hoarded
That He might be nobly breeched
In starry towers of Babylon
Noah's freshet never reached.
King Abundance got Him on
Innocence; and Wisdom He.
That cognomen sounded best
Considering what wild infancy
Drove horror from His Mother's breast. 

William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats's other poems:
  1. The Coming of Wisdom with Time
  2. The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water
  3. The Ballad of Father Gilligan
  4. The Rose of Peace
  5. The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • William Cowper Wisdom ("Ere God had built the mountains")
  • Ernest Dowson Wisdom ("Love wine and beauty and the spring")
  • Sara Teasdale Wisdom ("WHEN I have ceased to break my wings")

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