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Poem by Thomas Hardy

The Month’s Calendar

Tear off the calendar
Of this month past,
And all its weeks, that are
Flown, to be cast
To oblivion fast!

Darken that day
On which we met,
With its words of gay
Half-felt regret
That you’ll forget!

The second day, too;
The noon I nursed
Well – thoughts; yes, through
To the thirty-first;
That was the worst.

For then it was
You let me see
There was good cause
Why you could not be
Aught ever to me!

Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy's other poems:
  1. The Collector Cleans His Picture
  2. Song from Heine
  3. The Rejected Member’s Wife
  4. To Carrey Clavel
  5. Plena Timoris

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