A Divine Pastorall Strephon & I upon a bank were laid, Where the gay spring in varied colours playd, & her rich odours lavish nature shed. When thus the Youth, while this we wondring view Can we but wonder at its maker too, Amintas, if I know him, did not use Shoud such a subject call, to want a muse, Oh sing the great, the wise creating powr, While silent I admire, & in your words adore. Then I, for long before the thought was mine, Did thus to meet the good demand begin. Ye Mountains, & ye hills which lower rise, Ye humble vallies, & ye spreading trees, Ye pleasant meadows, & thou easy stream, O praise the Lord, O magnify his name! Yes, as you can you tell his name abroad, The wondrous work proclaims the worker God. Gently awhile sweet Breezes move along, Then swiftly bear aloft my finisht song. Ye tame & savage beasts in one accord, Joyn with all these to Glorify the Lord; Ye Birds, Ye tunefull birds in him rejoyce, Give him your musick, who gave you your voice, Hark how the cheerfull labour of their throats, returns the tribute of their pretty notes. Gently awhile sweet Breezes move along, Then swiftly bear aloft my rising song. But still the earth, & still the seas are mute, The Birds are speechless, speechless is the Brute, Man that alone can speak his praise must doo't. Praise him O man with a transported heart, Let the melodious hand confess its art, Let the raisd voice his bounteous glory's sing, Shoud less be joynd to praise so great a King? Gently awhile sweet Breezes move along, Then swiftly bear aloft my rising song. For thee the seasons run the circling year, The clouds drop fatness, & the fruits appear, Thee as the Lord of all below he plac'd, Free in thy choice, & by thy chusing bless'd, Tis true we must account for all we do, But to a God alone th' account is due. Gently awhile sweet Breezes move along, Then swiftly bear aloft my rising song. The Seraphim, & all the Heavenly pow'r, Bright in their shapes, but in their virtues more, Came to the shade where our first parents lay, They heard him reason, & they heard her pray, Then struck their Golden harps, & as they flew, Cry'd, Halelujah, man is made for heaven too. Go on, my Muse, Go on, & Gratefully express, The Creatures thanks, in the Creators praise. To see this pair the fallen powrs came in, Torturd with malice, & deformd by sin, They saw this happy pair designd to fill The realms, from whence they fell by doing ill, They heard their Joyfull anthems to their God, & faign they woud have harmd ym if they coud, Whom they woud harm they impotently curse, Their strength indeed was great but God was ours. Go on, My Muse, Go on, & Gratefully express. The Creatures thanks, in the Creators praise. I know I cannot speak his mercy's through, Yet what I can, of what I ought Ile do, Mean as they are, my notes to him belong, Mean as it is, he will reward my song. Go on, my Muse go on, & gratefully express The Creatures thanks, in the Creators praise. On such a theam I coud for ever dwell, Thus lett my voice when I must perish fail & thus my monument my story tell; Here lyes a Youth—stay passenger & pray, Nor pitty him who di'd no common way, But when his breath was all in hymns bestowd Sent up his soul to bear 'em to his God. So lett me end, the twilight does appear, The heat has left to rarify the air, The winds it broke grow strong enough to fly, Yes swiftly fly ye winds, & bear my Lays on high. |
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