The Way to Happiness How long ye miserable blind Shall idle dreams engage your mind, How long the passions make their flight At empty shadows of delight? No more in paths of error stray, The Lord thy Jesus is the way, The spring of happiness, and where Shou'd men seek happiness but there? Then run to meet him at your need, Run with boldness, run with speed, For he forsook his own abode To meet thee more than half the road. He laid aside his radiant crown And love for mankind brought him down To thirst and hunger, pain and woe, To wounds, to death it self below, And he that suffer'd these alone For all the World, despises none. To bid the soul that's sick be clean, To bring the lost to life again, To comfort those that grieve for ill, Is his peculiar goodness still. And as the thoughts of parents run Upon a dear and only son, So kind a love his mercies shew, So kind and more extreamly so. Thrice happy men (or find a phrase That speaks your bliss with greater praise) Who most obedient to thy call Leaving pleasures leaving all, With heart with soul, with strength incline O sweetest Jesu! to be thine; Who know thy will, observe thy ways, And in thy service spend their days: E'en death that seems to set them free But brings them closer still to thee. |
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