William Kennish

Reflections on Man (O Man! reflect on what thou art)

O Man! reflect on what thou art, 
And let not pride deceive thy heart, 
For here below poor mortals are  
Dependant on their Maker’s care. 
To travel onwards is our doom 
With rapid strides towards the tomb, 
The space between our life and death 
Is measured only by a breath! 
Such is the fate of all mankind, 
For no exception canst thou find, 
The present time is all that can 
Be truly çall’d the life of man! 
Then what we now enjoy is all, 
As what is past we can’t recall, 
And what’s to come is future’s own, 
A thing uncertain, and unknown. 
Yet future hope, Man’s certain friend 
When based on Christ as aim and end, 
Will cheer him thro’ life’s thorny road, 
Whilst struggling on to meet his God.

English Poetry - http://www.eng-poetry.ru/english/index.php. E-mail eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru