The Ecstasy The fleeting Joy that all things have beneath Goes off like snow while Zephirs warmly breath The happy wish that makes our bliss compleat it is not wealth it is not to be great To glide along on pleasures easy floud Or in fames wreaths to shine above the croud Weak man who charms in these alone can see Hear what I ask & learn to ask of me. Send to my breast Allmighty King send down A beam of brightness from thy starry throne Break on my mind drive errors cloud away & make a calm in passions troubled sea that the poor banishd Soul serene & free May rise from earth to visit heav'n & thee. Come peace Divine shed gently from above Inspire my willing bosome wondrous love & lend thy wings & teach me how to move But Whither whither now? what wondrous fire With this blest influence equalls my desire? I rise or love the kind deluder reigns & acts in fancy such inchanted scenes The earth retires, the parting skyes give way & now I view the native realms of day I mount above the starrs above the sun & still methinks the spirit bears me on. O strange enjoyment of a bliss unseen! O ravishment! o sacred rage within! Tumultuous pleasure raisd on peace of mind Which he thats good & onely he can find! I hear (it must be so) Ime sure I hear Seraphick musick strike my rapturd ear I see the light that veiles the throne on high A light too glorious for the dazzled eye look how around this great mysterious place The Angells fly & as they fly they praise Look how Apostles prophets martyrs Joyn & all their tongues & all their harps combine to celebrate the Majesty divine to please heav'ns King their heav'nly lays are sung No voice is silent not a harp unstrung Pure & immortall quire allow me now Since faign my heart woud pay its tribute too Allow my Zeal to bear a part wth you Assist my words and as they move along With Halelujah's crown the burthend song Father Eternall, God of truth & light Great above all beyond expression bright No bounds thy knowledge none thy powr confine For powr & knowledge in their source are thine Around thee Glory spreads her golden wing Sing Glittering Angells Halelujah sing. Son of the Father, blest, begotten Son Ere the short measuring line of time begun In thee his perfect Essence makes abode the world has seen thy workes & owns thee God The world must own thee loves unfathomd spring. Sing Glittering Angells Halelujah Sing. Proceeding Spirit, Equally divine In whom the Godheads true perfections shine You fill our bosomes with celestiall fire & tis a bliss to burn when you inspire O Lord Of Grace for Grace on earth you bring. sing glittering Angells Halelujah sing But Ah whats this? & where is all my heat What interruption makes my Joy retreat the worlds gott in my meditation crost & the gay pictures in my fancy lost How willingly Alas our soules woud rise & be fixd starrs inserted in the skyes But our attempts these chains of earth restrain Deride our toiles & dragg us down again Thus meteors mounting with the planets vie But their own bodys sink them in the Sky When the warmths gon that taught ym how to fly. |
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