On Content Grant heav'n that I may chuse my bliss If you design me worldly Happiness Tis not Honour thats but air Glory has but fancied light Fame as oft speak's false as right Riches have wings & ever dwell with care Give me an undistemperd mind As ye third region undisturbd by wind Content from passions ever free to rule ones selfs indeed a monarchy this I request of thee Tho all we see are fortunes apes & change as oft as she their shapes Tho my kinder fortune leave me Tho my dearest friends deceive me I in this universall tide firm on heav'ns mercy would abide & 'mongst ye giddy waves securely ride Tho they should die Who never did my love abuse Perhaps in tears I would my passion vent But straight again I'de be content Remembring 'twas th' almighty's deed tho I should my best relations loose Ide sighing cry Heav'ns will be done It did but lend them now it has its own. Fortune should never be Adored as a deity by me She onely makes them fooles who make her great But still content on earth intent on heav'n I'de be an equall temper keep in ev'ry state nor Care nor fear my destiny Death when most dreadfull should not fright Wn ere he comes Ide patiently submitt Content thus in my soul should build its halcyons nest As did thy spirit on ye waters rest & keep an everlasting calm with in my breast. |
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