Rudyard Kipling

«Brazilian Verses». 1927. 6. The Open Door

ENGLAND is a cosy little country,
  Excepting for the draughts along the floor. 
And that is why you're told,
When the passages are cold:
  "Darling, you've forgot to shut the Door!" 

The Awful East Wind blows it-
Pussy on the Hearthrug shows it, 
Aunty at the Writing-table knows it-
  "Darling, you've forgot to shut the Door!" 

Shut-shut-shut the Door, my darling! 
  Always shut the Door behind you, but 
You can go when you are old
Where there isn't any cold-
  So there isn't any Door that need be shut! 
The deep Verandah shows it-
The pale Magnolia knows it-
And the bold, white Trumpet-flower blows it:-
  There isn't any Door that need be shut!

The piping Tree-toad knows it-
The midnight Firefly shows it 
And the Beams of the Moon disclose it:-
  There isn't any Door that need be shut! 

The milky Beaches know it-
The silky Breezes blow it-
And the Shafts of the Sunrise show it:-
  There isn't any Door that need be shut!

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