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Eugene Field (1850-1895)
Eugene Field (Þäæèí Ôèëä)

The Rating of Eugene Field's Poems

  1. Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
  2. The Duel
  3. The Remorseful Cakes
  4. The Rock-a-By Lady
  5. A Valentine
  6. Christmas Hymn
  7. The Sugar-Plum Tree
  8. Over the Hills and Far Away
  9. In the Firelight
  10. The Two Little Skeezucks
  11. The Dreams
  12. Contentment
  13. The Bow-Leg Boy
  14. Der Mann Im Keller
  15. A Rhine-Land Drinking Song
  16. The Limitations of Youth
  17. The Singing in God's Acre
  18. The Dream-Ship
  19. The Wooing of the Southland
  20. The Peter-Bird
  21. Fitte the First
  22. Ballad of Women I Love
  23. Stoves and Sunshine
  24. Béranger's “To My Old Coat”
  25. A Heine Love Song
  26. Uhland's “Chapel”
  27. The Wind
  28. Ed
  29. Hymn
  30. Star of the East
  31. Fitte the Third
  32. Two Idylls from Bion the Smyrnean
  33. Fitte the Second
  34. With Two Spoons for Two Spoons
  35. Hugo's “Pool in the Forest”
  36. Sister's Cake
  37. The Naughty Doll
  38. The Broken Ring
  39. Jessie
  40. Fitte the Fourth
  41. With Brutus in St. Jo
  42. “Guess”
  43. Little Homer's Slate
  44. A Drinking Song
  45. Lyman, Frederick, and Jim
  46. New-Year's Eve
  47. Dr. Sam
  48. Jest 'Fore Christmas
  49. Suppose
  50. Ben Apfelgarten
  51. A Piteous Plaint
  52. Pan Liveth
  53. The Jaffa and Jerusalem Railway
  54. The Straw Parlor
  55. Jennie
  56. Winfreda
  57. The Ballad of the Taylor Pup
  58. Abu Midjan
  59. After Reading Trollope's History of Florence
  60. To Cinna
  61. Mysterious Doings
  62. Love Song—Heine
  63. The Three Tailors
  64. My Playmates
  65. The Discreet Collector
  66. Old Spanish Song
  67. A Lullaby
  68. Two Valentines
  69. A Spring Poem from Bion
  70. A Paraphrase
  71. By My Sweetheart
  72. To Emma Abbott
  73. The Stoddards
  74. Mother and Sphinx
  75. Fitte the Fifth
  76. Mary Smith
  77. The Great Journalist in Spain
  78. Twin Idols
  79. In Praise of Contentment
  80. Fitte the Sixth
  81. “The Old Homestead”

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