Eugene Field (1850-1895)

The Rating of Eugene Field's Poems - Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
- The Duel
- The Remorseful Cakes
- The Rock-a-By Lady
- A Valentine
- Christmas Hymn
- The Sugar-Plum Tree
- Over the Hills and Far Away
- In the Firelight
- The Two Little Skeezucks
- The Dreams
- Contentment
- The Bow-Leg Boy
- Der Mann Im Keller
- A Rhine-Land Drinking Song
- The Limitations of Youth
- The Singing in God's Acre
- The Dream-Ship
- The Wooing of the Southland
- The Peter-Bird
- Fitte the First
- Ballad of Women I Love
- Stoves and Sunshine
- Béranger's “To My Old Coat”
- A Heine Love Song
- Uhland's “Chapel”
- The Wind
- Ed
- Hymn
- Star of the East
- Fitte the Third
- Two Idylls from Bion the Smyrnean
- Fitte the Second
- With Two Spoons for Two Spoons
- Hugo's “Pool in the Forest”
- Sister's Cake
- The Naughty Doll
- The Broken Ring
- Jessie
- Fitte the Fourth
- With Brutus in St. Jo
- “Guess”
- Little Homer's Slate
- A Drinking Song
- Lyman, Frederick, and Jim
- New-Year's Eve
- Dr. Sam
- Jest 'Fore Christmas
- Suppose
- Ben Apfelgarten
- A Piteous Plaint
- Pan Liveth
- The Jaffa and Jerusalem Railway
- The Straw Parlor
- Jennie
- Winfreda
- The Ballad of the Taylor Pup
- Abu Midjan
- After Reading Trollope's History of Florence
- To Cinna
- Mysterious Doings
- Love Song—Heine
- The Three Tailors
- My Playmates
- The Discreet Collector
- Old Spanish Song
- A Lullaby
- Two Valentines
- A Spring Poem from Bion
- A Paraphrase
- By My Sweetheart
- To Emma Abbott
- The Stoddards
- Mother and Sphinx
- Fitte the Fifth
- Mary Smith
- The Great Journalist in Spain
- Twin Idols
- In Praise of Contentment
- Fitte the Sixth
- “The Old Homestead”
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