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Caroline Lamb (1785-1828)
Каролина Лэм (Caroline Lamb)

The Rating of Caroline Lamb's Poems

  1. To William Lamb
  2. Thou Wouldst Not Do What I Have Done
  3. Farewell
  4. Would I Had Seen Thee Dead And Cold
  5. My Heart's Fit To Break
  6. As The Flower Early Gathered
  7. Sir Henry De Vaux
  8. Little Birds In Yonder Grove
  9. Sing Not For Others But For Me
  10. A New Canto
  11. By That Smile Which Made Me Blest
  12. Amidst the Flowers Rich and Gay
  13. This Heart Has Never Stoop'D Its Pride
  14. Weep For What Thou'st Lost
  15. Lines to Harriet Wilson
  16. After Many A Well-Fought Day

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