Thomas Parnell (1679-1718)
The Rating of Thomas Parnell's Poems - The Book-Worm
- Song (When Thy Beauty Appears)
- A Hymn for Morning
- A Hymn for Evening
- A Dream
- As Celia With Her Sparrow Playd
- Solomon
- Deborah
- Love in Disguise
- The Happy Man
- The Ecstasy
- The Way to Happiness
- A Hymn to Contentment
- An Allegory on Man
- An Imitation Of Some French Verses
- The Hint Fm French
- Thou Gaudy Idle World Adieu
- Chloris Appearing in a Looking Glass
- For Philip Ridgate Esq.
- On Ye Plott Against King William
- On a Lady with a Foul Breath
- On Happiness in This Life
- A Riddle
- Martial
- To Mr. Pope
- Jonah
- A Night-Piece on Death
- In Biddy's Cheeks Ye Roses Blow
- Hark The Thundring Drums Inviting
- When Ore My Temples Balmy Vapours Rise
- The Soul in Sorrow
- On Content
- On the Death of Mr. Viner
- Habakkuk
- My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free
- A Divine Pastorall
- Out of Greek
- A Beavy of the Fair & Gay
- Young Philomela's Powrfull Dart
- Since Bearing of a Gentle Mind
- On Dr. Brown's Death
- Concerning Resolution
- The Judgment of Paris
- The Convert's Love
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