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Poem by William Wordsworth

The Plain of Donnerdale

The old inventive Poets, had they seen,
Or rather felt, the entrancement that detains
Thy waters, Duddon! 'mid these flowery plains -
The still repose, the liquid lapse serene,
Transferred to bowers imperishably green,
Had beautified Elysium! But these chains
Will soon be broken;-a rough course remains,
Rough as the past; where Thou, of placid mien,
Innocuous as a firstling of the flock,
And countenanced like a soft cerulean sky,
Shalt change thy temper; and, with many a shock
Given and received in mutual jeopardy,
Dance, like a Bacchanal, from rock to rock,
Tossing her frantic thyrsus wide and high! 

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth's other poems:
  1. Oxford, May 30, 1820
  2. Hart’s-Horn Tree, near Penrith
  3. The Countess’ Pillar
  4. Rydal
  5. The Kirk of Ulpha

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