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Poem by Henry King, Bishop of Chichester

Epigram (To what serve Lawes, where only Money reignes?)

Quid faciant Leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat? &c 

                Petron: Arbit

To what serve Lawes, where only Money reignes?
Or where a poore mans cause no right obtains?
Even those that most austerity praetend,
Hire out their Tongues, and wordes for profit lend.
    What’s Judgement then, but publick merchandize?
    And the Court sitts but to allow the price.

Henry King, Bishop of Chichester

Henry King, Bishop of Chichester's other poems:
  1. The Boyes Answer To The Blackmoor
  2. Sonnet. Go thou that vainly do'st mine eyes invite
  3. Sonnet. Dry those fair, those chrystal eyes
  4. To My Dead Friend Ben Johnson
  5. To His Friends of Christ-Church upon the Mislike of the Marriage of the Arts Acted at Woodstock

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