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Poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley



The fiery mountains answer each other;
Their thunderings are echoed from zone to zone;
The tempestuous oceans awake one another,
And the ice-rocks are shaken round Winter's throne,
When the clarion of the Typhoon is blown.


From a single cloud the lightening flashes,
Whilst a thousand isles are illumined around,
Earthquake is trampling one city to ashes,
An hundred are shuddering and tottering; the sound
Is bellowing underground.


But keener thy gaze than the lightening’s glare,
And swifter thy step than the earthquake’s tramp;
Thou deafenest the rage of the ocean; thy stare
Makes blind the volcanoes; the sun’s bright lamp
To thine is a fen-fire damp.


From billow and mountain and exhalation
The sunlight is darted through vapour and blast;
From spirit to spirit, from nation to nation,
From city to hamlet thy dawning is cast,--
And tyrants and slaves are like shadows of night
In the van of the morning light. 

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley's other poems:
  1. From the Arabic, an Imitation
  2. The Spectral Horseman
  3. Letter To Maria Gisborne
  4. Homer's Hymn to Minerva
  5. Matilda Gathering Flowers

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Edward Thomas Liberty ("The last light has gone out of the world, except")

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