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Poem by Robert Seymour Bridges


When my love was away,
Full three days were not sped,
I caught my fancy astray
Thinking if she were dead,

And I alone, alone:
It seem'd in my misery
In all the world was none
Ever so lone as I.

I wept; but it did not shame
Nor comfort my heart: away
I rode as I might, and came
To my love at close of day.

The sight of her still'd my fears,
My fairest-hearted love:
And yet in her eyes were tears:
Which when I question'd of,

'O now thou art come,' she cried,
''Tis fled: but I thought to-day
I never could here abide,
If thou wert longer away.' 

Robert Seymour Bridges

Robert Seymour Bridges's other poems:
  1. The Palm Willow
  2. January
  3. A Robin
  4. To Joseph Joachim
  5. To Catullus

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Matthew Arnold Absence ("IN THIS fair stranger’s eyes of grey")
  • Charlotte Mew Absence ("Sometimes I know the way")
  • William Bowles Absence ("There is strange music in the stirring wind")
  • Amy Lowell Absence ("My cup is empty to-night")
  • Ella Wilcox Absence ("After you went away, our lovely room")
  • Claude McKay Absence ("Your words dropped into my heart like pebbles into a pool")
  • Mary Robinson Absence ("WHEN from the craggy mountain’s pathless steep")
  • Capel Lofft Absence ("I love: and day by day, as absent, pine")

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