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Poem by Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea


The Tree of Knowledge we in Eden prov'd;
The Tree of Life was thence to Heav'n remov'd:
Hope is the growth of Earth, the only Plant,
Which either Heav'n, or Paradise cou'd want.

Hell knows it not, to Us alone confin'd,
And Cordial only to the Human Mind.
Receive it then, t'expel these mortal Cares,
Nor wave a Med'cine, which thy God prepares. 

Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea

Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea's other poems:
  1. A Description of One of the Pieces of Tapistry at Long-Leat
  2. The Marriage of Edward Herbert Esquire, and Mrs. Elizabeth Herbert
  3. Adam Posed
  4. The Tree
  5. A Nocturnal Reverie

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Joseph Addison Hope ("Our lives, discoloured with our present woes")
  • Oliver Goldsmith Hope ("To the last moment of his breath")
  • Emily Brontë Hope ("Hope was but a timid friend")
  • George Herbert Hope ("I gave to Hope a watch of mine: but he")
  • Charlotte Smith Hope ("Parody on Lord Strangford's")
  • Edith Nesbit Hope ("O THRUSH, is it true?")
  • Joseph Drake Hope ("See through yon cloud that rolls in wrath")
  • Mathilde Blind Hope ("All treasures of the earth and opulent seas")

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