Джеральд Масси (Gerald Massey) Текст оригинала на английском языке The Chivalry of Labour UPROUSE ye now, brave brother-band, With honest heart, and working hand We are but few, toil-tried, and true, Yet hearts beat high to dare and do; And who would not a champion be In Labour's-lordlier Chivalry? We fight! but bear no bloody brand, We fight to free our Fatherland: We fight that smiles of love may glow On lips where curses quiver now! Hurrah! hurrah! true Knights are we In Labour's lordlier Chivalry. O! there be hearts that ache to see The day-dawn of our victory; Eyes full of heart-break with us plead, And Watchers weep and Martyrs bleed: O! who would not a Champion be In Labour's lordlier Chivalry? Work, Brothers mine; work, hand and brain; We'll win the Golden Age again: And Love's Millennial morn shall rise In happy hearts, and blessed eyes. Hurrah! hurrah! true Knights are we In Labour's lordlier Chivalry. |
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