Уильям Мейкпис Теккерей (William Makepeace Thackeray) Текст оригинала на английском языке The Almack’s Adieu Your Fanny was never false-hearted, And this she protests and she vows, From the triste moment when we parted On the staircase of Devonshire House! I blushed when you asked me to marry, I vowed I would never forget; And at parting I gave my dear Harry A beautiful vinegarette! We spent en province all December, And I ne'er condescended to look At Sir Charles, or the rich county member, Or even at that darling old Duke. You were busy with dogs and with horses, Alone in my chamber I sat, And made you the nicest of purses, And the smartest black satin cravat! At night with that vile Lady Frances (Je faisois moi tapisserie) You danced every one of the dances, And never once thought of poor me! Mon pauvre petit coeur! what a shiver I felt as she danced the last set; And you gave, O mon Dieu! to revive her My beautiful vinegarette! Return, love! away with coquetting; This flirting disgraces a man! And ah! all the while you're forgetting The heart of your poor little Fan! Reviens! break away from those Circes, Reviens, for a nice little chat; And I've made you the sweetest of purses, And a lovely black satin cravat! |
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