Джордж Каннинг (George Canning) Текст оригинала на английском языке On the Death of His Eldest Son Though short thy space, God's unimpeach'd decrees Which made that shorten'd space one long disease; Yet, merciful in chast'ning, gave thee scope For mild redeeming virtues, faith and hope, Meek resignation, pious charity; And, since this world was not the world for thee, Far from thy path removed, with partial care, Strife, glory, gain, and pleasure's flowery snare, Bade earth's temptation's pass thee harmless by. And fix'd on heaven thine unreverted eye! Oh! mark'd from birth, and nurtured for the skies! In youth with more than learning's wisdom wise! As sainted martyrs, patient to endure! Simple as unwean'd infancy, and pure! Pure from all stain (save that of human clay, Which Christ's suff'rings now no more oppress'd, Mount, sinless spirit, to thy destined rest! While I - reversed our nature's kindlier doom - Pour forth a father's sorrows on thy tomb. |
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