Люси Ларком (Lucy Larcom)

Текст оригинала на английском языке

Show Me Thy Way

DARK the night, the snow is falling;
Through the storm are voices calling;
Guides mistaken and misleading,
Far from home and help receding:
Vain is all those voices say:
Show me Thy way!

Blind am I as those who guide me;
Let me feel Thee close- beside me!
Come as light into my being!
Unto me be eyes, All-Seeing!
Hear my heart's one wish, I pray:
Show me Thy way!

Son of Man and Lord Immortal,
Opener of the heavenly portal,
In Thee all my hope is hidden;
Never yet was soul forbidden
Near Thee, close to Thee, to stay:
Show me Thy way!

Thou art Truth's eternal morning;
Led by Thee, all evil scorning,
Through the paths of pure salvation,
I shall find Thy habitation,
Whence I never more shall stray:
Show me Thy way!

Thou must lead me, and none other;
Truest Lover, Friend, and Brother,
Thou art my soul's shelter, whether
Stars gleam out, or tempests gather:
In Thy presence night is day:
Show me Thy way!

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