Вашингтон Олстон (Washington Allston) Текст оригинала на английском языке Myrtilla Addressed to a Lady, who lamented that she had never been in love. "Al nuovo giorno, Pietosa man' mi sollevo." Metastatsio. "Ah me! how sad," Myrtilla cried, "To waste alone my years!" While o'er a streamlet's flow'ry side She pensive hung, and watch'd the tide That dimpled with her tears. "The world, though oft to merit blind, Alas, I cannot blame; For they have oft the knee inclined. And pour'd the sigh--but, like the wind Of winter, cold it came. "Ah no! neglect I cannot rue." Then o'er the limpid stream She cast her eyes of ether blue; Her wat'ry eyes look'd up to view Their lovelier parent's beam. And ever as the sad lament Would thus her lips divide, Her lips, like sister roses bent By passing gales, elastick sent Their blushes from the tide. While mournful o'er her pictur'd face Did then her glances steal, She seem'd she thought a marble Grace, T' enslave with love the human race, But ne'er that love to feel. "Ah, what avail those eyes replete With charms without a name! Alas, no kindred rays they meet, To kindle by collision sweet Of mutual love the flame! "Oh, 'tis the worst of cruel things, This solitary state! Yon bird that trims his purple wings, As on the bending bow he swings. Prepares to join his mate. "The little glow-worm sheds her light, Nor sheds her light in vain-- That still her tiny lover's sight Amid the darkness of the night May trace her o'er the plain. "All living nature seems to move By sympathy divine-- The sea, the earth, the air above; As if one universal love Did all their hearts entwine! "My heart alone of all my kind No love can ever warm: That only can resemblance find With waste Arabia, where the wind Ne'er breathes on human form; "A blank, embodied space, that knows No changes in its reign, Save when the fierce tornado throws Its barren sands, like drifted snows, In ridges o'er the plain." Thus plain'd the maid; and now her eyes Slow-lifting from the tide, Their liquid orbs with sweet surprise A youth beheld in extacies, Mute standing by her side. "Forbear, oh, lovely maid, forbear," The youth enamour'd cried, "Nor with Arabia's waste compare The heart of one so young and fair, To every charm allied. "Or, if Arabia--rather say, Where some delicious spring Remurmurs to the leaves that play Mid palm and date and flow'ret gay, On zephyr's frolick wing. "And now, methinks, I cannot deem The picture else but true; For I a wand'ring trav'ller seem O'er life's drear waste, without a gleam Of hope--if not in you." Thus spake the youth; and then his tongue Such converse sweet distill'd, It seem'd, as on his words she hung, As though a heavenly spirit sung, And all her soul he fill'd. He told her of his cruel fate, Condemn'd along to rove, From infancy to man's estate, Though courted by the fair and great, Yet never once to love. And then from many a poet's page The blest reverse he proved: How sweet to pass life's pilgrimage, From purple youth to sere old age, Aye loving and beloved! Here ceased the youth; but still his words Did o'er her fancy play; They seem'd the matin song of birds, Or like the distant low of herds That welcomes in the day. The sympathetick chord she feels Soft thrilling in her soul; And, as the sweet vibration steals Through every vein, in tender peals She seems to hear it roll. Her alter'd heart, of late so drear, Then seem'd a faery land, Where nymphs and rosy loves appear On margin green of fountain clear, And frolick hand in hand. But who shall paint her crimson blush, Nor think his hand of stone, As now the secret with a flush Did o'er her aching senses rush-- Her heart was not her own! The happy Lindor, with a look That every hope confessed, Her glowing hand exulting took, And press'd it, as she fearful shook, In silence to his breast. Myrtilla felt the spreading flame, Yet knew not how to chide; So sweet it mantled o'er her frame, That, with a smile of pride and shame, She own'd herself his bride. No longer then, ye fair, complain, And call the fates unkind; The high, the low, the meek, the vain, Shall each a sympathetick swain, Another self shall find. |
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