Генри Джеймс Пай (Henry James Pye) Текст оригинала на английском языке Song (Let no Shepherd sing to me) Let no Shepherd sing to me The stupid praise of Constancy, Nature bids her subjects range, All creation's full of change. See the varying hours display Morning, Evening, Night, and Day, See the circling seasons bring Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring. Shall the river's current full Idly sleep a stagnate pool, Shall the pedant's mandate bind The rapid wave, the fleeting wind. Thus I sung when Chloe's eyes Made my vanquish'd heart their prize, Where's my passion now to range, Love of Freedom, love of Change. Still my breast retains it's views, Still variety pursues, Happy in one Nymph to find Every charm of Womankind. |
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