Томас Гарди (Харди) (Thomas Hardy) Текст оригинала на английском языке A Last Journey ‘Father, you seem to have been sleeping fair?’ The child uncovered the dimity-curtained window-square And looked out at the dawn, And back at the dying man nigh gone, And propped up in his chair, Whose breathing a robin’s ‘chink’ took up in antiphon. The open fireplace spread Like a vast weary yawn above his head, Its thin blue blower waved against his whitening crown, For he could not lie down: He raised him on his arms so emaciated: – ‘Yes; I’ve slept long, my child. But as for rest, Well, that I cannot say. The whole night have I footed field and turnpike-way – A regular pilgrimage – as at my best And very briskest day! ‘’Twas first to Weatherb’ry, to see them there, And thence to King’s-Stag, where I joined in a jolly trip to Weydon-Priors Fair: I shot for nuts, bought gingerbreads, cream-cheese; And, not content with these, I went to London: heard the watchmen cry the hours. ‘I soon was off again, and found me in the bowers Of father’s apple-trees, And he shook the apples down: they fell in showers, Whereon he turned, smiled strange at me, as ill at ease; And then you pulled the curtain; and, ah me, I found me back where I wished not to be!’ ’Twas told the child next day: ‘Your father’s dead.’ And, struck, she questioned, ‘O, That journey, then, did father really go? – Buy nuts, and cakes, and travel at night till dawn was red, And tire himself with journeying, as he said, To see those old friends that he cared for so?’ |
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