Дилан Томас (Dylan Thomas) (1914-1953)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Зимняя сказка • A Winter's Tale
- Я рвался уйти прочь • I Have Longed to Move Away
- Тогда мой неофит • Then Was My Neophyte
- Рука, подписавшая бумагу • The Hand That Signed the Paper
- Не уходи смиренно в добрый путь • Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
- Now
- Lament
- Fern Hill
- Процесс раскручиванья непогоды • A Process in the Weather of the Heart
- When, Like a Running Grave
- Elegy
- From Love’s First Fever to Her Plague
- Я вижу летних мальчиков паденье • I See the Boys of Summer
- Та сила, что по стеблю гонит вверх • The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower
- O Make Me a Mask
- Зажгутся фонари, и милое лицо • Should Lanterns Shine
- Poem on His Birthday
- A Letter to My Aunt
- In My Craft or Sullen Art
- A Refusal to Mourn the Death, By Fire, of a Child in London
- Especially When the October Wind
- Сказано ли богам тяжело ударять облаками • Shall Gods He Said to Thump the Clouds
- Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred
- There Was a Saviour
- Hold Hard, These Ancient Minutes in the Cuckoo’s Month
- Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait
- This Side of the Truth
- To Others Than You
- And Death Shall Have No Dominion
- If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love
- Sometimes the Sky’s Too Bright
- Poem in October
- Not from This Anger
- Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines
- Notes on the Art of Poetry
- In Country Sleep
- Twenty-Four Years
- Love in the Asylum
- Foster the Light
- The Tombstone Told When She Died
- January 1939
- How Soon the Servant Sun
- How Shall My Animal
- Ceremony after a Fire Raid
- Before I Knocked
- When All My Five and Country Senses See
- Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed
- Author’s Prologue
- Our Eunuch Dreams
- The Conversation of Prayer
- Incarnate Devil
- Do You Not Father Me
- I Dreamed My Genesis
- This Bread I Break
- Once It Was the Colour of Saying
- On No Work of Words
- Was There a Time
- Clown in the Moon
- The Seed-At-Zero
- Altarwise by Owl-Light
- Deaths and Entrances
- In the Beginning
- A Grief Ago
- Ears in the Turrets Hear
- Why East Wind Chills
- When I Woke
- Here in This spring
- I Make This in a Warring Absence
- My World Is Pyramid
- My Hero Bares His Nerves
- Where Once the Waters of Your Face
- I Fellowed Sleep
- Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
- Into Her Lying Down Head
- In the White Giant's Thigh
- Find Meat on Bones
- Unluckily for a Death
- On a Wedding Anniversary
- All That I Owe the Fellows of the Grave
- I, in My Intricate Image
- On the Marriage of a Virgin
- All All and All the Dry Worlds Lever
- When Once the Twilight Locks No Longer
- A Saint about to Fall
- To-Day, This Insect
- Out of the Sighs
- Over Sir John's Hill
- If My Head Hurt a Hair's Foot
Все стихотворения • All poems
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