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Дилан Томас (Dylan Thomas) (1914-1953)
Дилан Томас (Dylan Thomas)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Зимняя сказкаA Winter's Tale
  2. Я рвался уйти прочьI Have Longed to Move Away
  3. Тогда мой неофитThen Was My Neophyte
  4. Рука, подписавшая бумагуThe Hand That Signed the Paper
  5. Не уходи смиренно в добрый путьDo Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
  6. Now
  7. Lament
  8. Fern Hill
  9. Процесс раскручиванья непогодыA Process in the Weather of the Heart
  10. When, Like a Running Grave
  11. Elegy
  12. From Love’s First Fever to Her Plague
  13. Я вижу летних мальчиков паденьеI See the Boys of Summer
  14. Та сила, что по стеблю гонит вверхThe Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower
  15. O Make Me a Mask
  16. Зажгутся фонари, и милое лицоShould Lanterns Shine
  17. Poem on His Birthday
  18. A Letter to My Aunt
  19. In My Craft or Sullen Art
  20. A Refusal to Mourn the Death, By Fire, of a Child in London
  21. Especially When the October Wind
  22. Сказано ли богам тяжело ударять облакамиShall Gods He Said to Thump the Clouds
  23. Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred
  24. There Was a Saviour
  25. Hold Hard, These Ancient Minutes in the Cuckoo’s Month
  26. Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait
  27. This Side of the Truth
  28. To Others Than You
  29. And Death Shall Have No Dominion
  30. If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love
  31. Sometimes the Sky’s Too Bright
  32. Poem in October
  33. Not from This Anger
  34. Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines
  35. Notes on the Art of Poetry
  36. In Country Sleep
  37. Twenty-Four Years
  38. Love in the Asylum
  39. Foster the Light
  40. The Tombstone Told When She Died
  41. January 1939
  42. How Soon the Servant Sun
  43. How Shall My Animal
  44. Ceremony after a Fire Raid
  45. Before I Knocked
  46. When All My Five and Country Senses See
  47. Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed
  48. Author’s Prologue
  49. Our Eunuch Dreams
  50. The Conversation of Prayer
  51. Incarnate Devil
  52. Do You Not Father Me
  53. I Dreamed My Genesis
  54. This Bread I Break
  55. Once It Was the Colour of Saying
  56. On No Work of Words
  57. Was There a Time
  58. Clown in the Moon
  59. The Seed-At-Zero
  60. Altarwise by Owl-Light
  61. Deaths and Entrances
  62. In the Beginning
  63. A Grief Ago
  64. Ears in the Turrets Hear
  65. Why East Wind Chills
  66. When I Woke
  67. Here in This spring
  68. I Make This in a Warring Absence
  69. My World Is Pyramid
  70. My Hero Bares His Nerves
  71. Where Once the Waters of Your Face
  72. I Fellowed Sleep
  73. Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
  74. Into Her Lying Down Head
  75. In the White Giant's Thigh
  76. Find Meat on Bones
  77. Unluckily for a Death
  78. On a Wedding Anniversary
  79. All That I Owe the Fellows of the Grave
  80. I, in My Intricate Image
  81. On the Marriage of a Virgin
  82. All All and All the Dry Worlds Lever
  83. When Once the Twilight Locks No Longer
  84. A Saint about to Fall
  85. To-Day, This Insect
  86. Out of the Sighs
  87. Over Sir John's Hill
  88. If My Head Hurt a Hair's Foot

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