Эндрю Марвелл (Andrew Marvell) (1621-1678)
Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Определение любви • The Definition of Love
- К стыдливой возлюбленной • To His Coy Mistress
- The Garden
- Upon Appleton House, to My Lord Fairfax
- Eyes and Tears
- Young Love
- A Dialogue Between The Soul And Body
- An Epitaph
- Clorinda And Damon
- A Poem Upon The Death Of O.C.
- First Anniversary
- Tom May's Death
- Cromwell's Return
- Last Instructions to a Painter
- The Character of Holland
- The Fair Singer
- Music's Empire
- Ametas and Thestylis Making Hay-Ropes
- The Unfortunate Lover
- On Mr. Milton's Paradise Lost
- A Dialogue, Between The Resolved Soul, And Created Pleasure
- A Dialogue Between Thyrsis And Dorinda
- Mourning
- The Mower's Song
- Bermudas
- The Coronet
- Upon the Hill and Grove at Bill-borow
- The Match
- Damon the Mower
- A Garden, Written after the Civil Wars
- The Gallery
- On a Drop of Dew
- Daphnis and Chloe
- Johannis Trottii Epitaphium
- An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland
- Blake's Victory
- Fleckno, An English Priest At Rome
- To Christina, Queen Of Sweden
Все стихотворения • All poems
Количество обращений к поэту: 16202
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