Эдит Матильда Томас (Edith Matilda Thomas) (1854-1925)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Babushka
- Cradle Song
- The War of Bread
- Thefts of the Morning
- The Old Doll
- “Frost to Night”
- The Betrayal of the Rose
- Black Flag!
- Talking in Their Sleep
- Nature and Man
- Frost
- The Procession of the Kings
- The Mother Who Died Too
- A Christmas Offering
- A Far Cry to Heaven
- Breath of Hampstead Heath
- Patmos
- Meeting the Kings
- The Little Girl from Town
- The Foundling
- What the Pine Trees Said
- Winter Sleep
- “Yours Severely”
- Some Ladies of the Olden Time
- The Inverted Torch
- A Chant of the Fought Field-Nunc Dimittis
- A Lack of Attention
- The Day-Dreamer
- In the Dark Little Flat at the End of the Court
- The Birds on the Christmas Sheaf
- For Every Day
- The Blessed Present
- Her Christmas Present
- A Water Lily
- Christmas Post
- Refreshments for Santa Claus
- The Indignant Baby
- Moly
- Melchior's Ride
- The Apple-Blossom Switch
- The Cradle-Child
- Holly and Mistletoe
- The Firebrand (Northern Ohio, Christmas Eve, 1804)
- A Christmas Spy
- How the Christmas Tree Was Brought to Nome
- Two Child Angels
- “I Ought to Mustn't”
- How Many
- The Christmas Sheaf
- A Vain Regret
- The Witch's Child
- A Question of Spelling
- Born Deaf, Dumb, and Blind
Все стихотворения • All poems
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