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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Роберт Браунинг (Robert Browning) (1812-1889)
Роберт Браунинг (Robert Browning)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Флейтист из ГаммельнаThe Pied Piper of Hamelin
  2. В Англии веснойHome-Thoughts, from Abroad
  3. Возлюбленный ПорфирииPorphyria's Lover
  4. Christmas-Eve
  5. MemorabiliaMemorabilia
  6. Bishop Blougram's Apology
  7. My Last Duchess
  8. Andrea del Sarto
  9. Life in a Love
  10. A Light Woman
  11. A Lovers' Quarrel
  12. A Tale
  13. A Woman's Last Word
  14. My Star
  15. Women and Roses
  16. The Twins
  17. The Englishman in Italy
  18. Now!
  19. Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister
  20. The Patriot
  21. Abt Vogler
  22. Love among the Ruins
  23. A Face
  24. Evelyn Hope
  25. Parting at Morning
  26. Rabbi Ben Ezra
  27. One Way of Love
  28. Another Way of Love
  29. One Word More
  30. Prospice
  31. After
  32. Love in a Life
  33. Before
  34. The Statue and the Bust
  35. Natural Magic
  36. The Lost Leader
  37. A Pretty Woman
  38. Tray
  39. The Confessional
  40. Youth and Art
  41. Two in the Campagna
  42. Over The Sea Our Galleys Went
  43. Boot and Saddle
  44. Among the Rocks
  45. Incident of the French Camp
  46. A Wall
  47. Pippa's Song
  48. A Cavalier Song
  49. The Boy and the Angel
  50. The Lost Mistress
  51. Confessions
  52. In Three Days
  53. Herve Riel
  54. A Grammarian's Funeral
  55. Garden Francies
  56. The Italian in England
  57. The Real and True and Sure
  58. The Laboratory-Ancien Régime
  59. Fears and Scruples
  60. To Edward Fitzgerald
  61. Cristina
  62. Popularity
  63. Home-Thoughts, from the Sea
  64. Any Wife to Any Husband
  65. Thus The Mayne Glideth
  66. Never the Time and the Place
  67. The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church
  68. Cleon
  69. An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician
  70. Meeting at Night
  71. Earth's Immortalities
  72. Respectability
  73. How It Strikes a Contemporary
  74. Protus
  75. Apparent Failure
  76. A Serenade at the Villa
  77. Up at a Villa-Down in the City

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