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Вэчел Линдсей (Vachel Lindsay) (1879-1931)
Vachel Lindsay (Вашел Линдсей)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Авраам Линкольн бродит в полночьAbraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight
  2. Призраки бизоновThe Ghosts of the Buffaloes
  3. Niagara
  4. The Congo: A Study of the Negro Race
  5. Factory Windows are Always Broken
  6. The Dandelion
  7. Shakespeare
  8. A Sense of Humor
  9. An Indian Summer Day on the Prarie
  10. Drying Their Wings
  11. On the Garden Wall
  12. Ghosts in Love
  13. Euclid
  14. Lincoln
  15. King Arthur’s Men Have Come Again
  16. An Argument
  17. Sunshine
  18. The Wedding of the Rose and the Lotos
  19. The Mysterious Cat
  20. Caught in a Net
  21. Who Knows?
  22. The Knight in Disguise
  23. Two Old Crows
  24. The Tale of the Tiger-Tree
  25. To Lady Jane
  26. I Heard Immanuel Singing
  27. How I Walked Alone in the Jungles of Heaven
  28. The Little Turtle
  29. Galahad, Knight Who Perished
  30. The Gamblers
  31. Upon Returning to the Country Road
  32. Concerning Emperors
  33. The Rose of Midnight
  34. Epitaphs for Two Players
  35. How Samson Bore Away the Gates of Gaza
  36. The Flower of Mending
  37. Aladdin and the Jinn
  38. What Semiramis Said
  39. The Flower-Fed Buffaloes
  40. Love and Law
  41. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  42. The North Star Whispers to the Blacksmith’s Son
  43. The Broncho That Would Not Be Broken
  44. Epilogue
  45. The Queen of Bubbles
  46. Our Guardian Angels and Their Children
  47. Genesis
  48. The Hope of the Resurrection
  49. Buddha
  50. In Memory of a Child
  51. We Meet at the Judgment and I Fear It Not
  52. A Net to Snare the Moonlight
  53. How a Little Girl Sang
  54. The Moon is a Painter
  55. A Prayer to All the Dead among Mine Own People
  56. Beyond the Moon
  57. The Amaranth
  58. A Curse for Kings
  59. What the Ghost of the Gambler Said
  60. Star of My Heart
  61. The Santa-Fe Trail
  62. My Lady in Her White Silk Shawl
  63. Darling Daughter of Babylon
  64. This Section is a Christmas Tree
  65. This, My Song, Is Made For Kerensky
  66. Why I Voted the Socialist Ticket
  67. The Proud Farmer
  68. The Leaden-Eyed
  69. Sweet Briars of the Stairways
  70. General William Booth Enters into Heaven
  71. Eden in Winter
  72. The Song of the Garden-Toad
  73. A Rhyme About an Electrical Advertising Sign
  74. The Sun Says His Prayers
  75. In Praise of Songs that Die
  76. The Chinese Nightingale
  77. Written for a Musician
  78. Rhymes for Gloriana
  79. The Eagle That is Forgotten
  80. The Strength of the Lonely
  81. The Moon’s the North Wind’s Cooky
  82. The Empty Boats
  83. A Dirge for a Righteous Kitten
  84. Mark Twain and Joan of Arc
  85. The Jingo and the Minstrel
  86. St. Francis of Assisi
  87. On Reading Omar Khayyam
  88. The Encyclopaedia
  89. The Wizard in the Street
  90. I Went Down into the Desert
  91. What the Miner in the Desert Said
  92. Incense
  93. Where Is David, the Next King of Israel?
  94. Springfield Magical
  95. To Reformers in Despair
  96. The Potatoes’ Dance
  97. The Master of the Dance
  98. The Prarie Battlements
  99. Blanche Sweet
  100. With a Bouquet of Twelve Roses
  101. Heart of God
  102. The Light o’ the Moon
  103. Michaelangelo
  104. The Hearth Eternal
  105. Honor Among Scamps
  106. What the Gray-Winged Fairy Said
  107. The Soul of the City Receives the Gift of the Holy Spirit
  108. The Cornfields
  109. The Drunkards in the Street
  110. To Mary Pickford
  111. Look You, I’ll Go Pray
  112. Yankee Doodle
  113. When Bryan Speaks
  114. Our Mother Pocahontas
  115. The Spice-Tree
  116. The Raft
  117. To Jane Addams at the Hague
  118. Что сказал кочегарWhat the Coal-Heaver Said
  119. At Mass
  120. The Drunkard’s Funeral
  121. What the Rattlesnake Said
  122. An Apology for the Bottle Volcanic
  123. The City That Will Not Repent
  124. The Firemen’s Ball
  125. Popcorn, Glass Balls, and Cranberries
  126. The Trap
  127. What the Sexton Said
  128. On the Road to Nowhere
  129. Above the Battle’s Front
  130. Here’s to the Mice!
  131. What the Moon Saw
  132. On the Building of Springfield
  133. Queen Mab in the Village
  134. When Gassy Thompson Struck It Rich
  135. Yet Gentle Will the Griffin Be
  136. The Black Hawk War of the Artists
  137. The Booker Washington Trilogy
  138. The Tree of Laughing Bells
  139. The Alchemist’s Petition
  140. The Traveller-Heart
  141. Where Is the Real Non-Resistant
  142. The King of Yellow Butterflies
  143. The Sorceress!
  144. The Merciful Hand
  145. The Bankrupt Peace-Maker
  146. The Perfect Marriage
  147. Mae Marsh, Motion Picture Actress
  148. How a Little Girl Danced
  149. The Unpardonable Sin
  150. Foreign Missions in Battle Array
  151. Alone in the Wind, on the Prairie
  152. Sweethearts of the Year
  153. The Beggar’s Valentine
  154. The Scissors-Grinder
  155. The Haughty Snail-King
  156. The Illinois Village
  157. To Gloriana
  158. By the Spring, at Sunset
  159. Titian
  160. The Angel and the Clown
  161. The Fairy Bridal-Hymn
  162. To the United States Senate
  163. To Buddha

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