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Эмма Лазарус (Emma Lazarus) (1849-1887)
Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Song
  2. A June Night
  3. The New Colossus
  4. Long Island Sound
  5. Success
  6. Sympathy
  7. Life and Art
  8. Destiny
  9. Influence
  10. Afternoon
  11. Echoes
  12. Symphonic Studies (After Schumann)
  13. The South
  14. Restlessness
  15. The Supreme Sacrifice
  16. Spring Star
  17. 1492
  18. Venus of the Louvre
  19. Youth and Death
  20. Phantasies
  21. From One Augur to Another
  22. The Cranes of Ibicus
  23. Fog
  24. A Masque of Venice
  25. Autumn Sadness
  26. The Elixir
  27. In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport
  28. Magnetism
  29. Critic and Poet
  30. St. Michael’s Chapel
  31. In Exile
  32. Off Rough Point
  33. Mater Amabilis
  34. Sunrise
  35. Marriage Bells
  36. To R.W.E.
  37. Matins
  38. Saint Romualdo
  39. Arabesque
  40. Age and Death
  41. Sic Semper Liberatoribus!
  42. Assurance
  43. City Visions
  44. Don Rafael
  45. Spring Longing
  46. Chopin
  47. The New Ezekiel
  48. Agamemnon's Tomb
  49. The Taming of the Falcon
  50. On the Proposal to Erect a Monument in England to Lord Byron
  51. August Moon
  52. The World's Justice

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