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Фрэнсис Брет Гарт (Francis Bret Harte) (1836-1902)
Francis Bret Harte (Фрэнсис Брет Гарт)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Общество на СтаниславеThe Society upon the Stanislaus
  2. РокFate
  3. В забоеIn the Tunnel
  4. ЧикитаChiquita
  5. У хасиендыAt the Hacienda
  6. Plain Language from Truthful James
  7. Artemis in Sierra
  8. Concepcion De Arguello
  9. A Question of Privilege
  10. Перо Томаса Старра КингаOn a Pen of Thomas Starr King
  11. Cadet Grey
  12. Address
  13. What the Wolf Really Said to Little Red Riding-Hood
  14. The Old Major Explains
  15. Dickens in Camp
  16. A Second Review of the Grand Army
  17. To the Pliocene Skull
  18. Grizzly
  19. The Goddess
  20. The Birds of Cirencester
  21. Her Letter
  22. Further Language from Truthful James
  23. San Francisco
  24. The Reveille
  25. A Legend of Cologne
  26. Truthful James to the Editor
  27. The Aged Stranger
  28. Aspiring Miss De Laine
  29. A Sanitary Message
  30. John Burns of Gettysburg
  31. The Copperhead
  32. The Old Camp-Fire
  33. Luke
  34. Before the Curtain
  35. The Tale of a Pony
  36. Poem
  37. Lines to a Portrait, by a Superior Person
  38. The Hawk’s Nest
  39. After the Accident
  40. The Miracle of Padre Junipero
  41. What the Chimney Sang
  42. Relieving Guard
  43. California’s Greeting to Seward
  44. The Thought-Reader of Angels
  45. Telemachus Versus Mentor
  46. On a Cone of the Big Trees
  47. A Newport Romance
  48. The Idyl of Battle Hollow
  49. St. Thomas
  50. Her Last Letter
  51. Alnaschar
  52. An Idyl of the Road
  53. ”The Return of Belisarius”
  54. ”For the King”
  55. ”Jim”
  56. Dow’s Flat
  57. ”Seventy-Nine”
  58. Dolly Varden
  59. North Beach
  60. Ramon
  61. The Two Ships
  62. To a Sea-Bird
  63. Caldwell of Springfield
  64. The Mission Bells of Monterey
  65. The Ballad of Mr. Cooke
  66. Guild’s Signal
  67. An Arctic Vision
  68. The Angelus
  69. The Spelling Bee at Angels
  70. The Mountain Heart’s-Ease
  71. Madrono
  72. The Lost Galleon
  73. A Greyport Legend
  74. The Station-Master of Lone Prairie
  75. Battle Bunny
  76. Coyote
  77. Penelope
  78. On William Francis Bartlett
  79. Friar Pedro’s Ride
  80. Thompson of Angels
  81. The Stage-Driver’s Story
  82. Don Diego of the South
  83. Off Scarborough
  84. Jack of the Tules
  85. The Wonderful Spring of San Joaquin
  86. In the Mission Garden
  87. ”The Babes in the Woods”
  88. The Latest Chinese Outrage
  89. His Answer to ”Her Letter”
  90. ”Twenty Years”
  91. Grandmother Tenterden
  92. ”How Are You, Sanitary?”
  93. The Ghost That Jim Saw
  94. Our Privilege
  95. ”Cicely”
  96. What the Bullet Sang
  97. Half an Hour before Supper
  98. ”Crotalus”
  99. Miss Blanche Says
  100. Lone Mountain

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