Фрэнсис Брет Гарт (Francis Bret Harte) (1836-1902)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Общество на Станиславе • The Society upon the Stanislaus
- Рок • Fate
- В забое • In the Tunnel
- Чикита • Chiquita
- У хасиенды • At the Hacienda
- Plain Language from Truthful James
- Artemis in Sierra
- Concepcion De Arguello
- A Question of Privilege
- Перо Томаса Старра Кинга • On a Pen of Thomas Starr King
- Cadet Grey
- Address
- What the Wolf Really Said to Little Red Riding-Hood
- The Old Major Explains
- Dickens in Camp
- A Second Review of the Grand Army
- To the Pliocene Skull
- Grizzly
- The Goddess
- The Birds of Cirencester
- Her Letter
- Further Language from Truthful James
- San Francisco
- The Reveille
- A Legend of Cologne
- Truthful James to the Editor
- The Aged Stranger
- Aspiring Miss De Laine
- A Sanitary Message
- John Burns of Gettysburg
- The Copperhead
- The Old Camp-Fire
- Luke
- Before the Curtain
- The Tale of a Pony
- Poem
- Lines to a Portrait, by a Superior Person
- The Hawk’s Nest
- After the Accident
- The Miracle of Padre Junipero
- What the Chimney Sang
- Relieving Guard
- California’s Greeting to Seward
- The Thought-Reader of Angels
- Telemachus Versus Mentor
- On a Cone of the Big Trees
- A Newport Romance
- The Idyl of Battle Hollow
- St. Thomas
- Her Last Letter
- Alnaschar
- An Idyl of the Road
- ”The Return of Belisarius”
- ”For the King”
- ”Jim”
- Dow’s Flat
- ”Seventy-Nine”
- Dolly Varden
- North Beach
- Ramon
- The Two Ships
- To a Sea-Bird
- Caldwell of Springfield
- The Mission Bells of Monterey
- The Ballad of Mr. Cooke
- Guild’s Signal
- An Arctic Vision
- The Angelus
- The Spelling Bee at Angels
- The Mountain Heart’s-Ease
- Madrono
- The Lost Galleon
- A Greyport Legend
- The Station-Master of Lone Prairie
- Battle Bunny
- Coyote
- Penelope
- On William Francis Bartlett
- Friar Pedro’s Ride
- Thompson of Angels
- The Stage-Driver’s Story
- Don Diego of the South
- Off Scarborough
- Jack of the Tules
- The Wonderful Spring of San Joaquin
- In the Mission Garden
- ”The Babes in the Woods”
- The Latest Chinese Outrage
- His Answer to ”Her Letter”
- ”Twenty Years”
- Grandmother Tenterden
- ”How Are You, Sanitary?”
- The Ghost That Jim Saw
- Our Privilege
- ”Cicely”
- What the Bullet Sang
- Half an Hour before Supper
- ”Crotalus”
- Miss Blanche Says
- Lone Mountain
Все стихотворения • All poems
Количество обращений к поэту: 12149
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