Томас Бейли Олдрич (Thomas Bailey Aldrich) (1836-1907)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Sargent’s Portrait of Edwin Booth at “The Players”
- Перед дождём • Before the Rain
- Андромеда • Andromeda
- Echo Song
- Память • Memory
- Reminiscence
- The Sultana
- Destiny
- At Stratford-upon-Avon
- Фанни • Fannie
- The Shipman's Tale
- A Dedication
- Miracles
- Outward Bound
- Batuschka
- Piscataqua River
- A Petition
- I Vex Me Not with Brooding on the Years
- The Letter
- Sea Longings
- Even This Will Pass Away
- Appreciation
- On Reading William Watson's Sonnet Entitled The Purple East
- Marjorie’s Almanac
- The Flight of the Goddess
- Ellen Terry in “The Merchant of Venice”
- I'll Not Confer with Sorrow
- In Westminster Abbey
- The Menu
- Books and Seasons
- After the Rain
- Heredity
- No Songs in Winter
- A Shadow of the Night
- A Mood
- By the Potomac
- Latakia
- Kriss Kringle
- An Elective Course
- L'Eau Dormante
- England
- An Alpine Picture
- A Touch of Nature
- Quatrains
- Egypt
- Elmwood
- At Bay Ridge, Long Island
- Tennyson
- Identity
- Song from the Persian
- Alec Yeaton's Son
- When the Sultan Goes to Ispahan
- Baby Bell
- Sestet
- Enamored Architect of Airy Rhyme
- The Undiscovered Country
- Fredericksburg
- Corydon
- Broken Music
- At a Reading
- The Sisters' Tragedy
- At the Funeral of a Minor Poet
- Eidolons
- To Hafiz
- Hesperides
- Like Crusoe, Walking by the Lonely Strand
- Palinode
- Sweetheart, Sigh No More
- Palabras Cariñosas
Все стихотворения • All poems
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