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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Томас Бейли Олдрич (Thomas Bailey Aldrich) (1836-1907)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Sargent’s Portrait of Edwin Booth at “The Players”
  2. Перед дождёмBefore the Rain
  3. АндромедаAndromeda
  4. Echo Song
  5. ПамятьMemory
  6. Reminiscence
  7. The Sultana
  8. Destiny
  9. At Stratford-upon-Avon
  10. ФанниFannie
  11. The Shipman's Tale
  12. A Dedication
  13. Miracles
  14. Outward Bound
  15. Batuschka
  16. Piscataqua River
  17. A Petition
  18. I Vex Me Not with Brooding on the Years
  19. The Letter
  20. Sea Longings
  21. Even This Will Pass Away
  22. Appreciation
  23. On Reading William Watson's Sonnet Entitled The Purple East
  24. Marjorie’s Almanac
  25. The Flight of the Goddess
  26. Ellen Terry in “The Merchant of Venice”
  27. I'll Not Confer with Sorrow
  28. In Westminster Abbey
  29. The Menu
  30. Books and Seasons
  31. After the Rain
  32. Heredity
  33. No Songs in Winter
  34. A Shadow of the Night
  35. A Mood
  36. By the Potomac
  37. Latakia
  38. Kriss Kringle
  39. An Elective Course
  40. L'Eau Dormante
  41. England
  42. An Alpine Picture
  43. A Touch of Nature
  44. Quatrains
  45. Egypt
  46. Elmwood
  47. At Bay Ridge, Long Island
  48. Tennyson
  49. Identity
  50. Song from the Persian
  51. Alec Yeaton's Son
  52. When the Sultan Goes to Ispahan
  53. Baby Bell
  54. Sestet
  55. Enamored Architect of Airy Rhyme
  56. The Undiscovered Country
  57. Fredericksburg
  58. Corydon
  59. Broken Music
  60. At a Reading
  61. The Sisters' Tragedy
  62. At the Funeral of a Minor Poet
  63. Eidolons
  64. To Hafiz
  65. Hesperides
  66. Like Crusoe, Walking by the Lonely Strand
  67. Palinode
  68. Sweetheart, Sigh No More
  69. Palabras Cariñosas

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