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Эмили Бронте (Emily Jane Brontë) (1818-1848)
Эмили Бронте (Emily Bronte)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. НадеждаHope
  2. СочувствиеSympathy
  3. ЗвездыStars
  4. Стихи к - Stanzas to -
  5. Старый стоикThe Old Stoic
  6. СтансыStanzas
  7. A Day Dream
  8. Love and Friendship
  9. My Lady's Grave
  10. A Little Budding Rose
  11. A Little While, a Little While
  12. The Prisoner
  13. Moonlight, Summer Moonlight
  14. Передо мною тьма ночнаяThe Night Is Darkening around Me
  15. Бог виденийPlead for Me
  16. To Imagination
  17. At Castle Wood
  18. The Blue Bell
  19. Remembrance
  20. Come, Walk with Me
  21. Last Lines
  22. Fall, Leaves, Fall
  23. Past, Present, Future
  24. No Coward Soul Is Mine
  25. Spellbound
  26. The Sun Has Set
  27. The Two Children
  28. Ah! Why, Because the Dazzling Sun
  29. That Wind I Used to Hear It Swelling
  30. Silent Is the House
  31. Faith and Despondency
  32. Anticipation
  33. The Wind Was Rough Which Tore
  34. Mild the Mist upon the Hill
  35. Shall Earth No More Inspire Thee
  36. I See Around Me Tombstones Grey
  37. Encouragement
  38. Honour's Martyr
  39. The Visionary
  40. Come Hither, Child
  41. How Still, How Happy!
  42. How Clear She Shines!
  43. High Waving Heather 'Neath Stormy Blasts Bending
  44. I Am the only Being Whose Doom
  45. The Philosopher
  46. Warning and Reply
  47. She Dried Her Tears
  48. Often Rebuked, Yet Always Back Returning
  49. Yes, Holy Be Thy Resting Place
  50. Self-Interrogation
  51. If Grief For Grief Can Touch Thee
  52. Death, That Struck When I Was Most Confiding
  53. Well Hast Thou Spoke
  54. The Wanderer from the Fold
  55. The Lady to Her Guitar
  56. The Elder's Rebuke

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