Генри Говард, граф Сарри (Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey) (1517?-1547)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Наука счастья • The Means to Attain a Happy Life
- Из доблестной Флоренции ведет • From Tuscan Came my Lady's Worthy Race
- The Soote Season
- A Praise of His Love
- Love That Doth Reign and Live
- So Cruel Prison
- London, Hast Thou Accursed Me
- The Ages of Man
- A Vow to Love Faithfully, Howsoever He Be Rewarded
- The Lover Describeth His Restless State
- Alas! So All Things Now Do Hold Their Peace
- Of The Death of Sir T.W. the Elder
- An Answer in the Behalf of a Woman
- Complaint of the Absence of Her Lover Being upon the Sea
- To the Lady That Scorned Her Lover
- Geue Place Ye Louers, Here Before
- Brittle Beauty
- A Constant Lover Lamenteth
- The Sun Hath Twice
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