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Чарльз Кингсли (Charles Kingsley) (1819-1875)
Чарльз Кингсли (Charles Kingsley)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Christmas Day
  2. ПрощайA Farewell
  3. Young and Old
  4. Lorraine
  5. My Little Doll
  6. A Christmas Carol
  7. The Tide River
  8. Hymn
  9. The Summer Sea
  10. Valentine's Day
  11. Ode to the Northeast Wind
  12. Easter Week
  13. The Find
  14. The Mango-Tree
  15. The Watchman
  16. Martin Lightfoot's Song
  17. Scotch Song
  18. Juventus Mundi
  19. My Hunting Song
  20. Airly Beacon
  21. The Outlaw
  22. Palinodia
  23. The Day of the Lord
  24. The Sands of Dee
  25. In an Illuminated Missal
  26. Dartside, 1849
  27. The Priest's Heart
  28. The Legend of La Brea
  29. A Thought from the Rhine
  30. The Red King
  31. The Night Bird
  32. On the Death of a Certain Journal
  33. Trehill Well
  34. On the Death of Leopold: King of the Belgians
  35. Margaret to Dolcino
  36. The Bad Squire
  37. To G.A.G.
  38. The Delectable Day
  39. Ballad of Earl Haldan's Daughter
  40. A Hope
  41. The Weird Lady
  42. The Three Fishers
  43. Hypotheses Hypochondriacae
  44. Sappho
  45. Ode on the Istallation of the Duke of Devonshire
  46. The Dead Church
  47. Frank Leigh's Song
  48. Down to the Mothers
  49. The Last Buccaneer
  50. The Poetry of a Root Crop

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