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Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Данте Габриэль Россетти)

The House of Life. Sonnet 15. The Birth-Bond

Have you not noted, in some family
Where two were born of a first marriage-bed,
How still they own their gracious bond, though fed
And nursed on the forgotten breast and knee?--
How to their father's children they shall be
In act and thought of one goodwill; but each
Shall for the other have, in silence speech,
And in a word complete community?

Even So, when first l saw you, seemed it, love,
That among souls allied to mine was yet
One nearer kindred than life hinted of.
O born with me somewhere that men forget,
And though in years of sight and sound unmet,
Known for my soul's birth-partner well enough!

Dante Gabriel Rossetti's other poems:
  1. Sacrament Hymn
  2. At Issue
  3. The House of Life. Sonnet 20. Gracious Moonlight
  4. The House of Life. Sonnet 44. Cloud and Wind
  5. The House of Life. Sonnet 88. Hero's Lamp

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