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Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Данте Габриэль Россетти)

The House of Life. Sonnet 27. Heart's Compass

Sometimes thou seem'st not as thyself alone,
But as the meaning of all things that are;
A breathless wonder, shadowing forth afar
Some heavenly solstice hushed and halcyon;
Whose unstirred lips are music's visible tone;
Whose eyes the sun-gate of the soul unbar,
Being of its furthest fires oracular;--
The evident heart of all life sown and mown.

Even such Love is; and is not thy name Love?
Yea, by thy hand the Love-god rends apart
All gathering clouds of Night's ambiguous art;
Flings them far down, and sets thine eyes above;
And simply, as some gage of flower or glove,
Stakes with a smile the world against thy heart.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti's other poems:
  1. Sacrament Hymn
  2. At Issue
  3. The House of Life. Sonnet 20. Gracious Moonlight
  4. The House of Life. Sonnet 44. Cloud and Wind
  5. The House of Life. Sonnet 88. Hero's Lamp

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