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Helen Hunt Jackson (Хелен Хант Джексон)

A Calendar of Sonnets. February

STILL lie the sheltering snows, undimmed and white;
And reigns the winter's pregnant silence still;
No sign of spring, save that the catkins fill,
And willow stems grow daily red and bright.
These are days when ancients held a rite
Of expiation for the old year's ill,
And prayer to purify the new year's will:
Fit days, ere yet the spring rains blur the sight,
Ere yet the bounding blood grows hot with haste,
And dreaming thoughts grow heavy with a greed
The ardent summer's joy to have and taste;
Fit days, to give to last year's losses heed,
To recon clear the new life's sterner need;
Fit days, for Feast of Expiation placed! 

Helen Hunt Jackson's other poems:
  1. Best
  2. Poppies on the Wheat
  3. The End of Harvest
  4. Morn
  5. Songs of Battle

Тема стихотворения (Poem Theme): February (Февраль)

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1790

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