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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Paul Hamilton Hayne (Пол Гамильтон Хейн)


THE passionate Summer's dead! the sky's a-glow,
  With roseate flushes of matured desire,
The winds at eve are musical and low,
  As sweeping chords of a lamenting lyre,
  Far up among the pillared clouds of fire,
Whose pomp of strange procession upward rolls,
With gorgeous blazonry of pictured folds,
  To celebrate the Summer's past renown;
  Ah, me! how regally the Heavens look down,
O'ershadowing beautiful autumnal woods,
  And harvest fields with hoarded increase brown,
And deep-toned majesty of golden floods,
  That raise their solemn dirges to the sky,
  To swell the purple pomp that floateth by. 

Paul Hamilton Hayne's other poems:
  1. A Meeting of the Birds
  2. A New Philosophy; or, Star Showers Explained
  3. Pent in This Common Sphere of Sensual Shows
  4. A Christmas Lyric
  5. A Plea for the Gray

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) October ("The green elm with the one great bough of gold")
  • Dinah Craik (Дина Крейк) October ("IT is no joy to me to sit")
  • William Bryant (Уильям Брайант) October ("Ay, thou art welcome, heaven’s delicious breath!")
  • Alice Cary (Элис Кэри) October ("Not the light of the long blue Summer")
  • Rose Cooke (Роуз Кук) October ("There comes a time of rest to thee")
  • Paul Dunbar (Пол Данбар) October ("OCTOBER is the treasurer of the year")
  • John Payne (Джон Пейн) October ("OCTOBER, May of the descending days")
  • Hilaire Belloc (Хилар Беллок) October ("Look, how those steep woods on the mountain’s face")
  • Ellis Butler (Эллис Батлер) October ("The forest holds high carnival to-day")
  • Ella Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) October ("Gone are the Spring and Summer from the year")
  • Elinor Wylie (Элинор Уайли) October ("Beauty has a tarnished dress")
  • Robert Frost (Роберт Фрост) October ("O hushed October morning mild")
  • George Arnold (Джордж Арнольд) October ("On hill and field October’s glories fade")
  • Ina Coolbrith (Ина Кулбрит) October ("THE summer-rose is dead")
  • Edgar Guest (Эдгар Гест) October ("Days are gettin' shorter an' the air a keener snap")

    Темы стихотворения (Poem Themes): Autumn (Осень), October (Октябрь)

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    Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1717

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  • Рейтинг@Mail.ru

    Английская поэзия. Адрес для связи eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru